Sewing is a versatile and rewarding skill that allows you to create a wide range of garments, accessories, and home decor items. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced seamstress, understanding the six basic steps of sewing is essential for mastering this craft.
There are some basic steps to follow for doing anything worthwhile.
These steps would make your work so much easier because when there is clarity, your mind accepts the challenge and does not tire too soon.
Here, I am outlining a few steps that would help you in your journey to make any dress.
If you learn only “METHODS” you may get stuck up at some POINT. But if you learn “PRINCIPLES” then you can derive your OWN METHODS”.
In fact, these lines hold true in any field you want to excel in.
Blindly following the methods may not help you much but understanding the basics would help you always to get the outcome in any field you want.
Table of Contents
6 Basic Steps of Sewing
Decide, What You Want To Make #1
- Going through some pictures in fashion magazines or may be online,
- Your favorite ready to wear dress you bought for special occasion and you desperately wish a similar dress, or
- May be your own creative sketches, your imagination on paper and your fusion styles.
Check your measurements #2
- Use the hard chip side of measuring tape for lengthwise & 1/2″ wide metal side of measuring tape for width wise (wrapping) measurements.
- Follow Top to Bottom measuring step wise. That means start taking measurements lengthwise starting from top and coming down to crosswise bottom.
- Preferably measure standing in front of a mirror
- Take help from somebody (optional)
- If in doubt, double check by measuring again.
- If still in doubt, measure your well fitted dress.
Suppose – You are making a Top. Then start with Full Length of the top.
Likewise, if you are making a skirt then start measuring from waist till required length.
Ready to Use Chart for Armhole and Sleeve Length Cutting | Armhole Measurement
This Ready to Use Chart for Armhole and Sleeve Cutting is for everyone, who wants a ready guide while cutting a dress for anybody.
Ready to Use Chart for Body Measurement (Sewing Formulas)
This Ready to Use Chart for Body Measurement includes Standard Measurement Chart, Sewing Pattern Formulas, and Division Charts also
Use Sewing Patterns #3
- You may use ready made patterns if available. Follow the instructions given on the pattern.
- Or, make your drafting on paper or you may mark directly on fabric.
- For simple dresses, it’s okay to mark directly on fabric but for complex and elaborate designs it’s always advisable to make a paper pattern yourself.
- Making a pattern or drafting is simple just you have to keep some standard steps in check.
Mark Directly on Fabric #4
Make notches.
Use tracing wheel to get marks on the bottom layer of the fabric.
Leave 1/2″ to 2″ margins on the sides.
1″ to 2.5″ for fold at the bottom depending on machine stitch or hem. Machine stitch required less fold and for hemming you may need 2 to 2.5″ for fold.
Sewing, Designing and Decorating with Trimmings #5
- Get your sewing machine well oiled, in good working condition.
- Keep your scissors, chalk, pins, thread pools and other required items near your right hand side so you are not distracted for lack of things.
- Hang the measuring tape on your neck to make it handy and keep measuring your dress at every stage, if in doubt. It’ll save you precious time later in alterations.
- Use all pins or basting stitch to keep parts together, at least in the beginning phase of your stitching ventures.
- Beautify with buttons,laces,studs,ribbons etc.(Using zippers, laces intertwined with stitching process most of the times).
Finishing the Dress #6
Give your dress final pampering by over locking, ironing/pressing, dry cleaning (if required) etc.
Dress making is easy. Just like anything else we have to keep a few steps in mind and follow through. We can bend the rules as we wish but the blueprint of principles do not change.
So, get going! Nothing is beyond reach if we put our heart and effort to it.
You don’t need to worry if you don't know sewing. There is a lot of information available on net and there are so many sewing lovers willing to share their knowledge with others.