Sewing Tools To Make Sewing Easy For You 2025

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Having the right sewing tools will enhance your experience and add to your skill. You can start with a few basic sewing tools to get started.

If you are doing very basic stuff, or just learning, you will only need the basics.

As your sewing skills get more complicated, you may need to learn some more technique and may occasionally need an additional piece of equipment. 

How important are sewing tools

Sewing is a highly specialized skill. Every type of fabric sewing stage has unique requirements and for each of those needs, there is a specific tool.

Knowing your tools is essential to successful sewing. 

#1. Minimize Mistakes

The right tools minimize mistakes and help you move through each sewing task more efficiently.

#2. Professional finishing

Sewing is a skilled craft. You must understand what tools are used when and why in order to produce a professional looking clothes.

#3. Right Fitting

You must have right sewing tools, if you want your clothing to look and fit right, 

#4. Save time and frustration

Having the right tools for the job and knowing how to use them will save you not only time but also frustration. 

#5. Satisfactory results

You can often ‘make do’ with lesser equipment, but it may take you a lot longer to complete the task and you may have less than satisfactory results.

How much should you spend on Sewing Tools

There’s an entire multi-million dollar industry dedicated to make sewing easier and quicker for those who love to sew.

But you could probably spend about five or ten dollars to get the items you absolutely need and get started with your sewing.

Besides having a sewing machine, you need some scissors, thread, pins, a measuring device of any kind, and a chalk or something to mark with.

As you extend your sewing skills and your budget, you can count on:

#1. Good pair of scissors

You should have a FABRIC ONLY pair of scissors. Get another scissors for patterns or cutting threads.

Have them sharpened when the fabric edge you cut is jagged, or if they don’t cut clean on the first try.

If you can designate a pair only for natural fibers, such as silk, cotton, or wool, and use a different pair for synthetics like polyester, that’s even better.

#2.Seam ripper

Sewing experts use an assortment of tools for snipping threads, ripping seams, and opening button-holes— but all of that can be done with a razor blade.

But if you don't have complete control on them. One slip and your dress is a waste.

Therefore, use a seam ripper to get rid of unwanted seams while sewing.

Every sewing machine comes with a seam ripper in its toolkit, but they get dull after awhile and should be replaced.

#3.Needles and straight pins

Sewing needles are a must. Have different types of straight pins: quilting, a longer pin for multiple layers; silk pins for finer fabrics; ballpoint pins for stretchy fabric.

#4. Marking device

Some people have lots of tools for marking - like where to stop swing, where the dart goes, or the pleat. 

In the olden days, they used chalk and slivers of soap.

You can use water soluble marking pen or chalk. 

#5. Measuring device

There are many tools for measuring like a tape measure, the soft kind; hemming tool, sliding gauge or a mannequin with hem guide.

But you could get by with one simple ruler or measuring tape.

#6. Sewing machine

Get a good sturdy sewing machine. Electric machines have many design features and a heavy duty machine sew very fast.

While considering the materials and the tools to cut and sew, not every sewing machine would have the strength to sew just anything and get the job done. 

You will need to assess the fabrics you would be sewing frequently and get your machine settings / model based on that decision.

Do you really need a sewing machine

#7. Sewing machine feet

All purpose/zig zag, zipper foot and basic straight stitch foot that will help you with most of the sewing and designing projects.

#8. Iron and ironing board

Sewing can be done without an iron, but if you want professional looking items, you’ll need a steam iron to press seams either all in one direction, or open.

#9. Multiple colors of thread

Get an assortment of threads; white, black, navy, off white — and taupe.

Taupe (kind of a light brownish gray) seems to blend in well with fabrics that have lots of different colors.

You’ll use this color as much as you’ll use white and black. 

#10. Self-healing cutting mat and a rotatory cutter

A rotary cutter is a tool that is so important and time-saving if you are planning on quilting.

It looks a little like a pizza cutter but it has a very sharp blade that can cut through several layers of fabric at one time.

This tool can be dangerous. If you are planning on getting a youngster started on sewing, I do not recommend this tool.

If you do buy a rotary cutter, you’ll need a mat.

This is usually a flat large green plastic mat. You place this mat on the table top so the rotary cutter does not cut your table.

You’ll also need a special ruler that helps you keep the rotary cutter sliding in a straight line.

How to Make Your Own Sewing Pattern at Home

Sewing Tools for Cutting, Pattern Making, Sewing

Basic Tools & Material for Cutting

  • Measuring Tape
  • A Notebook and a pen/pencil (to note down the measurements)
  • A good sharp fabric cutting scissors
  • 24 inches long scale
  • A fabric chalk
  • Clothe of desired length and width
  • Iron + Ironing board
  • Leg curve (optional)
  • Tracing Wheel

Basic Tools for Simple Sewing Projects

  • Your Sewing Machine
  • Thread
  • Thread Cutter
  • Bobbin
  • Sewing Machine Oil
  • Hand Sewing Needles
  • All purpose pins
  • Measuring Tape
  • Marking Chalk
  • Fabric Scissors
  • Trimmings-lace, button etc

I know that you’ll say these are just a fraction of the whole but you should start with very basic ones.

As you gain experience, you can add more material and more tools to your sewing kit.

Should You Buy New Sewing Machine or Fix Old One

Your Cutting & Sewing advanced Tool Kit

1. French Curves : For shaping armholes and necklines and for a variety of other shaping needs. 

2. Pencil & Sharpener : Necessary for pattern making.


3. Other Pencils & Pens : Use red and black colored pencils to identify pattern changes. Use felt-tip pens in green and blue for pattern information.


4. Notcher : Cuts notches on pattern. Indicates guide marks such as seam.allowance, ease and dart intake.


5. Tracing Wheel : Transfers muslin pattern to paper and paper pattern to fabric


6. Straight Metre Scale : For measure / Measuring on fabric


7. Eraser : Non-dust eraser.


8. Weights : To hold pattern in place while making or tracing. Anything heavy will do.


9. Marking Chalk : Used for marking fabric. 

10. Tracing Paper : To transfer muslin pattern shapes or to make copies of original.patterns.


11. Paper Scissors : To cut paper patterns


12. Fabric Scissors : To cut fabrics


13. Triangle (Set Square) : Can be with or without measurements.


14. Hip Curve : Shapes hip, hem, elbows and lapels.


15. L Scale : For making the patterns


16. Inseam Curve : Shapes inseams


17. Measuring Tape : For measuring form or figure.


18. Oil Pins : To keep fabrics in place 19. Scotch Tape : To hold the fabric in place

20. Notebook : To make notes


21. Muslin Cloth : To check the pattern before making actual garment


22. Stapler with Pins


23. Board Pins 24. Cutting Table


25. Hand Punch : Punches holes for storing patterns

26. Compass : For drawing circles and arcs


27. Pattern Paper

Kit for Sewing

1. Bobbin

2. Machine Sewing Needles

3. Hand Sewing Needles

4. Thimble

5. Seam Opener

6. Thread

7. All Pins

8. Measuring Tape

9. Marking Chalk

10. Fabric Scissors

11. Pinking Shears

People often believe that sewing is a passive hobby of sitting in a chair and using fabric, thread and cloth to make a project.

It is anything but.

Sewing a garment involves making 2D patterns and fabric into a 3 dimensional garment that fits a unique body.

It will have many features such as pockets, sleeve and collar variations, and embellishments.

The garment must be beautiful inside and out.

It must hold up to wear and cleaning. This process takes many tools to complete a satisfactory job. Sewing involves tools that shape the medium, which is fabric.

Each seamstress and tailor has their favorite go to tools they swear by.

No two sewing baskets or tool boxes will look exactly the same, although each will most likely contain the same components.

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