Sewing Guide to Sew / Stitch like a Pro at Home: Learn Sewing Yourself with tips and hacks for smooth and professional finished DIY sewing projects.
Sewing is a quintessential part of fashion industry. You can’t skip it.
Even in professional fashion institutes, not everybody who is trained in fashion techniques may be excellent in sewing.
But each student is undergone professional training for proving a command over sewing clothes.
You may wonder, if the fashion professionals are not expert in sewing then how come they gain expertise on making the dresses.
Worry not. you don’t need to despair, even if you couldn’t get time to visit fashion schools, fortunately there is a lot of information available on net and there are so many volunteers willing to share their knowledge with others.
Perfect sewing requires practice and patience.
Table of Contents
14 Days Guide to Learn Sewing in 2025
14 Days' Guide to Learn Sewing at home This is a 14 days' guide to
How to Get Your Sewing Right!
So, here I share what I learned by investing a lot many hours and fabrics over a long period of time since my childhood :-
1. Sewing Machine in Good Condition.
Check if your sewing machine is in good condition. Know your machine.It needs to be well oiled and working smoothly.Try stitching on a scrap of a real fabric,you will be using.
2. Upper & Lower Stitch is Smooth.
Upper thread in the reel and lower thread in the bobbin should appear neat on front and back side of the stitched fabric. If the thread tension is more or less, set it right.
3. Correct Number of Needle & Thread.
Neatness of stitch depends on the number of needle and thread also. Generally, for cotton and mix fabrics, 14 & 16 number needles work fine and if you stitch just for fun or for making occasional dresses for yourself, then ask for good polyester thread and your stitching supplies vendor will give you.
4.Thread is Not Weak.
Try to break the thread from the reel, if it breaks easily then it’s of no use. You should go for durable strong thread for a long lasting stitch.
5.Thread Color Should not Fade.
Polyester threads do not fade and that’s important to keep in consideration because many a times our dress is in good wearable condition but faded thread stitch looks awkward, which compel us to throw the dress.
6.A Smooth Needle for Neat Finish.
Needle in the machine should not be bent,rusted or very old. Needles are very economically available so change the needle for a smooth nice finish of a stitch.
7.Solve Fabric Stretch Problem.
When we stitch, we support the upper layer of the fabric more, which makes the lower layer be extra than the upper. To solve this problem, hold both layers of the fabric together. Upper layer with some looseness and lower layer with stiffness to make ends meet equally.
Initially, it’s better to practice on cotton fabric with straight stitching.
8.Keep Yourself Safe.
Keep your fingers off the needle. I have seen even professionals move their fingers with the fabric and piercing finger with needle accidentally.
Piercing of needle hurts very bad. Though, I am safe till date but I can tell by the expression of those, who got hurt.
Keep adjusting the distance of your fingers from the needle from time to time.
9.Use All Purpose Pins or Basting Stitch to Save Time.
Using a basting stitch or all purpose pins to keep two layers together is a good thing, till you gain expertise on stitching armhole, neckline, collar and every other tiny part,which you find difficult to stitch.
While stitching lining, it’s always advisable to use basting stitch. It saves time and hassles.
10.Ironing & Pressing is MUST at Every Stage.
Use the iron to press frequently. After stitching every joint and folds, you should press to get that smart look. Even after completing the dress, it should be thoroughly pressed before adding trimmings,buttons etc.
11.Bulky Part of Your Fabric Should be Outside Sewing Machine.
Keep the fabric on left hand side while stitching.
12. Start from Wide to Narrow.
Start stitching from wider part of fabric and end towards narrow part. For instance, while stitching sleeves, start from armhole and finish at wrist.
13.Regulate Stitch Width & Length as per Fabric.
14. Stitch should be adjusted as per fabric thickness with the help of stitch regulator.
14. Do not Pull Fabric Unnecessarily.
It is needle’s job to pull the fabric. Your hand should only support this activity. If you try to pull or push the fabric with your power, the needle may bend or break.
15. What to Do to Set Needle Right.
If needle bend in this way, stitch on a rough textured paper. Tip of the needle would be okay again.
16. Make Use of Notches, Tucks & Marking.
Basting stitch is good for initial practice but later you may find it tiring for your everyday stitching. Marking and use of Notches save your time on this exercise.
If you are not using fine thread and fine needle for thin fabrics, then a paper may be placed under the thin fabric while stitching. Later, when you are finished with your stitching work, tear this paper off the stitch.
17. Use Bathing Soap to Smooth Thick Joints.
Needle gets stuck on stubborn joints of thick fabrics. Rub a dry bath soap on these joints, your needle will not stop till you drop.