Ah! You completed your beautiful dress, now what to do with the scrap fabric? It's a challenging question, but an important one. Because these long or small pieces of fabric turn into a big heap of clutter in no time.
Let's fill the free fabric (which is leftover) into a scrap box for making cute DIYs someday. This leftover stash of big and small pieces of fabrics, which you can not throw for emotional and economical reasons, will soon turn into a huge scrap container.
But what can you do?
Dress making requires putting many small pieces together to get a big complete look. It requires a little patchwork here and some embellishments there.
Which means, in a due course of time, you are flooded with a horde of beautiful tit-bits called scrap fabric. You think that you would use that scrap some day, when need arises.
If you have been scratching your head for the ideas to clear up the fabric scrap in a creative way, here we got some of the useful ways.
Table of Contents
Scrap Fabric Ideas : Cute DIYs
You know it very well that it’s very difficult to part with such Things- which you adore. There is nothing which cannot be used on making a dress.
Any button, zip,small pieces of lace, cut work, cord-you name it and everything can be used. It gets mind boggling to even think of give away such precious collection.
But with my experience, I know that if I don’t deal with my stitching supplies on time, it’ll get me crazy. Finding the right pieces on time gets difficult and very purpose of storing them gets futile.
3 Essential Rules to handle Scrap Fabric
1.Store, Organize, Sort & Recycle
The right mind frame is the essential to store, organize, sort and recycle the scrap of a designer den. The rule of not storing things which are unused for last six months to one year may fail here sometimes.
2.Keep it if it's Beautiful & Useful!
Also, the clutter clearing rule - if it’s beautiful or useful may also fail because in your stitching supplies, there’ll be hardly anything which is not both.
3.Check Your Scrap Overload Regularly
Situation gets very tricky here but it’s most important to deal with it in every six months or regular intervals to assess the storing capacity and take a decision to keep things beautiful.
8 Tips to Manage Scrap Fabric and Get Peace of Mind
1.Sort them out
You can make different categories to sort each type of scrap. You may use small boxes or make some scrap bags.Label the boxes like lace, patchwork, bags, dresses, kids projects, household items etc. It may depend on the kind of sewing project you have in your mind.
Now each week, you can take out only one category of scrap fabric and make something out of that stuff.
2.Set a Limit
If you have limited storage space like me, it could be horrible to find a small piece from the huge pile of scrap.
So, you can also set a specific storage limit. Beyond this storage limit, you have two options.
Either store any further scrap fabric only if you have used or thrown the earlier one. Or, make space first.
3.Set a Stop-Loss
You can also set a time frame, within which you use up the available scrap, give it away or throw it altogether.
I know it's pretty difficult. You may love your scrap more than the dress you used it for.
But you can not close your eyes from the harsh reality. These tiny pieces would add to be a big clutter to deal with.
4. Try to Detach
Too much attachment is bad. No matter for what and for whom!
If you find it hard to detach with your material possessions, they will definitely get to you and suck your energy. It is difficult, so I I fill a scrap bag with all pieces which is eating up my space and I no longer look inside it.
I know I can find out new concepts of recycling them and make cute diys, but if I hold that any longer, I would never throw it out.
5. Help the Aspiring Designers
There are many people around us, who are not designers by profession but now or then they require something for their own creativity.
You can volunteer to share your expertise. And of course, open your scrap cabinets for them to make a good use of them.
After all, sharing is good for our well being.
6. Be Generous with the kids’ Craft Projects
You can generously open the scrap box for the kids' craft projects. They would love you for the scraps.
Kids love to spend time with real life things which they could play (the word is spoil for elders) to their hearts' wish.
7. Do It Yourself Scrap Craft Projects
There are numerous do it yourself sewing and craft projects, which you can indulge yourself with.
This way you can learn to make so many recycle fashions and diy crafts. Moreover, your scrap load would also get reduced.
8. Throw the Excess
Understand that the world is not coming to an end. There would be another day and another dress, which would add to your scrap.
So better get away with everything that is in excess. If the situation is out of hand, then why to store, better to throw away the stuff when you actually don’t have time for such things.
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