Should You Make Fashion Designing Your Career in 2025

Boutique Business

Before anybody else asks you, you must ask yourself Should You Make Fashion Designing Your Career!

Because you own yourself a clarification before you could convince others.

If you think that medical, engineering, computers and all those sorts of careers do not interest you. You are interested in a career where you could utilize your drawing, coloring, sketch and creative pursuits.

And it is pretty easy to be a fashion designer overnight.

Think again and read this post till the end for opening your bright eyes.

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Gateway to name, fame and money. Be sure the road to all these three are not day dreaming.

It’s harder than your medical and engineering studies and a consistent performance is the key to your dreams.

Perhaps I am being too harsh on your soft dreams but this is not to discourage you but to make you stand on the ground and smell the soil of perseverance.

Is Fashion Designing a Right Career Choice for Boys

Fashion Designing is a hot career choice

There has been a radical change in the attitude of parents towards the career choice of their children.

A few decades back, it was considered a waste of time and money for a parent to pay for Fashion Designing or any other course related to stitching or sewing. 

On top of that if the child was good in academics, she would bang her head on the walls, but not allowed to pursue a career in fashion designing.

It was considered a career for the people, who couldn’t study or couldn’t do anything else in life!

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Is Fashion designing right career for you

If you don’t have your basics clear, then it’s not at all possible to survive.

There is consistent hard work. It’s not a sitting job. If you can’t be on your toes then your hefty fees to premium institutes and shiny degrees will go down the drain.

So first of all, do your research and know if you are really for this industry.

See, if you are into any other clerical or cabin clad career then you have the option to be a mediocre but here you must deliver your best to earn a decent living.

Should You Make Fashion Designing Your Career

I understood a few things which I share with you :-

1.You need to Be Crazy about what you do.

  • You should be passionate about what you do. It’s an old saying. Nothing new to it but still do some introspection. How do you enjoy art, craft, drawing, writing, reading, experimenting and making random things? If you enjoy then surely you are one step ahead.

2.You need to be proactive and go getter.

  • You need to be an extrovert here. Interacting with others and marketing your skills as a brand is essential. It may require a lot of travelling, hectic schedules, networking, outdoor activities, which you should be ready to adapt to, if you need a long term career here.

3.You can work day in & day out, without holidays.

  • You need to devote long hours to it. Even in other professions you have to work longer now-a-days so it may not be a hindrance to choice of your career.

4.You should have a good vision & imagination.

  • A lot of imagination is required. If you can day dream well and envision things then you are surely for this profession. You should have the imagination to vision the complete dress even before you sketched it out.

5.You need to know your basic mathematics.

  • You should be good with numbers. Not as a mathematician but still you should get your numbers straight for all those formulas and calculations. (It may also help you to count the big money you are going to receive for your work in future!).

6.You should befriend rejections.

  • Most importantly, be ready for failures, rejections and heart breaks because that’s life in general and fashion & stitching world in particular. Even if you have all the skills, creativity, passion, good contacts, money to invest – you need the right timing,too.

7.You need to be a learner all the time.

  • Not everybody makes a mark here. There is a small room in the top but don’t despair there’s a room for excellence!
  • You win only when you participate and you don’t fail till the time you accept failure.
  • So, in case of undesirable situations you should be able to adapt yourself and be able to look for the brighter side of things.

This is my perspective as a passionate learner of this field.

You may explore further but crux of the matter is that you should be able to sacrifice short term pleasures for long term gains.


Should You Make Fashion Designing Your Career or Not. Find out by understanding how the fashion industry works, what are your success changes in this.

Fashion designing is assumed to be a career where you stitch yourself or just instruct some designs to a tailor and your job is done.

People still feel that it’s a piece of cake. If you know shopping, styling yourself then you are a born designer.

It may help if you know how to dress smartly or to shop wonderfully but be sure it can be just a piece not the whole picture.


Doing fashion designing or related courses in stitching industry is luring the students.

Parents also feel that a career in fashion will lead to name,fame,glamour,glitz and what not!

On top of that, if the student is anyways an average in academics then it seems to be an easy career option.

It’s important to know that experience, hard work, persistence is important in the long term career, not mere certificates.

A few days back, one of my acquaintances said that she would enroll her daughter for fashion designing and after that an MBA from some institute. 

Have a focus.

If you are going for fashion designing then go for it. You will definitely need managerial skills even in your designing career and a good institute prepare you for that.

You don’t need MBA separately. If you want MBA degree then better choose an administrative line in the same industry.

Don’t waste your time and money on rushing in different directions and confusing yourself.


I have seen a lot many students enrolling for fancy courses in good institutes and coming out frustrated.

Due to people’s perception, competition is ever increasing even in fashion world.

They enroll with the assumption that we paid the fee and now everything would take care of itself.  As soon as we pass out, we’ll be a big brand and top models and industry big wigs would be eagerly waiting for us to work for them.’

In reality, this is not the case.

You spend a considerable period of time literally standing. Learning requires a lot of standing, observing, calculating, drawing, writing, sketching, coloring and a lot of doing things, which may drain you out.


  • Be grateful and happy. If it would be your real passion, it would not go anywhere. You will always pursue it in your spare time and it’ll be a relaxation therapy.
  • It’ll give you double advantage that you follow the technically good career choice suggested by parents/teachers/peers, which will make you worldly wise and compatible as per trends of the current trade.
  • It will increase your competent skill sets which will help you take up your passion as a full time career in later stage.
  • By that time you would also get to know whether you were attracted to fashion & stitching career as a infatuation or as a real career.

So, go ahead with your heart and your head in place and learn to love whatever work you do. No work and career is bad but our attitude towards it.

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