Category: Sewing Hacks
Sewing for Kids is different from sewing for adults. Hence, you must remember that adult sewing rules do not apply to kids' dresses.
Increase Sewing Speed by enhancing the efficiency of your sewing machine, sewing posture/ergonomics, reducing distractions and preventing sewing injuries.
Sewing Guide to Sew / Stitch like a Pro at Home: Learn Sewing Yourself with tips and hacks for smooth and professional finished DIY sewing projects.
Fabric Shrinkage: How Do You Test Shrinkage for Fabric so that you can ensure that your dress is not one or two sizes shorter after the first wash.
How to Use Bukram or Interfacing : Bukram, interfacing or Fusing is used to stiffen or to strengthen certain area of fabric, like collars, cuff, buttonhold
This Ready to Use Chart for Armhole and Sleeve Cutting is for everyone, who wants a ready guide while cutting a dress for anybody.